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Who is this Connie chick?
…an ongoing call-in bit called “Where’s Willis?”. Connie started this with her Blue Rock Talk show years back, and loves doing it on Coast with George Noory the best.
Connie’s been in the national radio/television professional broadcasting field for over 20 years, hosting shows from sports to cooking to live on TV Retail and Infomercials. You May have seen her on ESPN, SPEED, UPN, FOOD NETWORK, DISNEY, CBS, OXYGEN, HSN, and QVC, or heard her on the airwaves in World-Wide and out of Philly, Louisville, Lexington, San Antonio, Denver, Sarasota or Orlando. She has a BA in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Kentucky and is a Certified Culinarian with ProChef and the American Culinary Federation, as well as being a graduate from the Culinary Institute of America/Greystone, known as the Harvard of Culinary schools.
Connie is a serious student of High Strangeness due to having her own experiences since the early age of 3. The memorable events as a child and many more throughout her life, left her with strong desires to find the truth of these phenomenon. As a woman her perspective is as much emotional as it is factual which goes hand in hand.
She is best known for going into the field of research to experience strange anomalies for herself in order to pull all the pieces of the puzzles together. She is a not a "101" kind of investigator or conversationalist but digs deep into mysteries of the inexplicable effects and synchronicity of events and encounters related to UFO, extraterrestrials, Bigfoot, Hauntings and any other Experiences outside the range of normal human knowledge or scientific explanation including time travel, interdimensionales, PK, telepathy, Remote Viewing, crop circles, life after death, ghosts, Dogman, strange lights, mind control, reincarnation, etc…. due to her passion to know the truth, she researches all types of the paranormal and other worldly, meeting new people everyday that can help her connect the dots to find an answer!
Connie is a Certified Advance Controlled Remote Viewer taught under the direction of Lyn Buchanan and Lori Williams. Lyn is one of the Military’s top Psychic Spies from the top-secret military program called Project Stargate. This Knowledge is expressed in her show that take you to live investigations on BLUE ROCK TALK.
Connie has written two eBook’s called WIN ANY LOTTERY, which provides a technique to win the lottery using a method the military uses to locate weapons, soldiers, and hostages using a pendulum.She took them off the shelves in order to provide a course for this. Look for her course inside ConnieWillis.com
Connie was a guest blogger for Huffington Posts “Weird News” and was also a blogger and curator of 2012 Anno Domini and Paranormal World , and the content coordinator for Paranormal TV Channel, Paranormal TV and for Paranormal TV Hulu which provided free paranormal documentaries for Paranormal Media on the internet.
BLUE ROCK TALK: Earth’s Most Interesting Conversations with Connie Willis, includes people, places and “things.” Its' growing followers are called “Blue Rockers”, who are “in the know”! Connie’s in hopes the Blue Rocker community will build across the world with Blue Rockers coming together as one when they are in need to help out in times of trouble in their local towns and cities! This great exclusive membership includes her classic Far Out Thursday, Bigfoot Friday and her Project: Creepy Hotspots.
Connie has had a variety of shows, events, classes and Live Chats that have all participation oriented. Her past shows include :07 in the Psychic Realm, Late Nite Live Chat, Book Buddies, Win Any Lottery Classes, Mystery Dinners, Paranormal Round Table, Swellness Wednesdays, Crypto Connie and then some.
And now she's created a new project with you involved: PROJECT: CREEPY HOTSPOT which is on BLUE ROCK TALK. This along with BIGFOOT FRIDAY and FAR OUT THURSDAY. In addition is CONNIE AFTER DARK and her latest is, CONNIE WILLIS: THE PODCAST!

"After 25 years of a successful professional national broadcast TV and Radio career, I walk the walk meeting interesting people, visiting interesting places and investigating interesting "things". I travel a truthful journey to search out who we are as Humans, who we are to the Universe and who we are to God. I may be afraid to go there, but I still do."
~ Connie 🖖